Office Hours: AB 4/305
Class Timings
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 9:05AM to 10:00AM
Tutorial Timing
Wednesdays: 3:05PM - 4:00PM
Office Hours
By email appointment or whenever the door is open (4/305)
🏛 Class Venue: AB 7/206
🏛 Tutorial Venue: AB 7/202
Email for queries: [email protected] - please use this email so I can quickly prioritize emails pertaining to the course.
Please watch this space for announcements - they will all be made on the page linked to below. Very few emails are sent, so please check this place for notifications.
The pages below have the detailed schedule of lectures. Each lecture is it's own page with highlights from the class, a copy of the slides (whenever applicable), and a copy of the lecture notes from the scribe (again, as soon as they are made available).